

Each Sunday morning, children get to participate in their own classes. Bible lessons are taught in such a way that every child gets to participate and learn. Each of the class teachers is carefully screened and thoroughly trained in children’s instruction. The youth ministry of our church is recognized for their meaningful interaction with kids.


Women of Hope gives the ladies in our church family special times of interaction. Our women of Faith, located in several locations throughout our community, are times of Bible study, prayer (and, of course, food). These groups provide a refreshing discipleship opportunity for the women in the church.


Accountability among men is an act of integrity. Accountability is designed to protect, encourage, and develop men of all ages. Accountability groups consist of three men each. Accountability groups meet together as their schedules allow and keep in touch by email or phone.


Every tech person is pursuing great sound and video, but are we pursuing the face of God? Even if you aren't on stage your prayers can do great things. If you have followed Christ for more than a few years you have probably heard people talk about how the want to see a revival in their region. Usually what they mean is that they want to see a large amount of people putting their faith in Christ.

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